Loving Companions ... Loyal Protection
Buy Your Special Schutzhund Trained German Shepherd with Confidence from America's Leading Sieger and Working Dog Importer and Breeder.
Before You Invest, Select for the Absolute Best.
New Best Friend Important Consideration Checklist:
Our passion during the past 59 years has been to promote the highest quality standards for German Shepherd Imports. We import the World’s Best German Sieger (Champion) Schutzhund / IGP Trained German Shepherd Dogs, Our elite Trained German Shepherds serve our clients as faithful German Shepherd Personal Protection Dogs and loving family Security Dogs. Some are Sieger Show competitors.
Both parents of all German Shepherd Dogs born and registered in Germany MUST have certified hips and elbows and pass temperament tests (ZAP), basic obedience and traffic sureness (BH), and performance tests (IGP 1, 2, or 3 in Tracking, Obedience & Protection) to demonstrate a high level of courage, intelligence and trainability. All of our elite German Shepherd Protection Trained Dogs have these credentials for sound minds in sound bodies.
Our years of regular travel to Germany has resulted in valued experience and friendships with many of Germany’s most knowledgeable and legendary German Shepherd Breeders and Trainers. We have the unique opportunity to Import many of the World’s top producing dogs. No other German Shepherd Breeder, Importer or Trainer in America is as experienced and successful with Sieger Line and Working Line German Shepherds. The difference is QUALITY.
Our Record of World Renowned
German Shepherds Speaks for Itself
Notable German Shepherd Dogs We Have Imported or Bred from Imports
2019 - #13 World Young Dog Ramses vom Lärchenhain IGP3
2017 - #5 Excellent World Male V1 Lionel vom Messina IPO3
2016 - VA Taifun vom St.-Michaels-Berg IPO3
2016 - #21 World Young Dog Huper Team Semper Victor IPO3
2014 - VA1 SIEGER Demir von der Fürstemperle IPO3
2013 - #17 World Young Dog V1 Tim vom Fidelius IPO3
2011 - #23 World Young Dog Putin von der Wilhelmswarte IPO3
2009 - V1 Astor vom Bad Waldle SchH3
2007 - VA2 VIZE SIEGER Voltan vom Gletschertopf SchH3
2007- VA Vito vom Farbenspiel SchH3
2007- VA Alina von Quarin SchH2
2006 - SIEGER VA1 Bazi von der Urbecke SchH3
2006 - VA Irsus Veracruz SchH3, IPO2
2006 - VA Olly del Seprio SchH3
2006 - VA Iva von Starkenburg Blick SchH3
2006 - VA Heida vom Aspenhaus SchH3
2006 - 2X VA Irk von der Werther Mühle SchH3
2004 - VA Tom vom Bauerhofer Land SchH3
2003 - VA Waika von der Kleinen Birke SchH3
2003 - VA Tuba von der Urbecke SchH3
2003 - Canadian SIEGER VA1 Wupp von der Urbecke SchH3
2002 - 2X SIEGER VA1 Rapi Supra SchH3
2002 - Canadian SIEGER VA1 Merlin vom Frankengold SchH3, IPO3
2002 - Young Dog SIEGER V Sergio von Bad-Boll SchH3
2001 & 2002 - 2X VA3 Fritzi von der Urbecke SchH3
2001 - VA Hero vom Moorbeck SchH3
2001 - Vize SIEGERIN VA2 Caria vom Fleischerheim SchH2
1999 & 2000 - SIEGERIN VA-1 Inka vom Zellwaldrand SchH3
1997 - V1 Ylsa vom Fleischerheim SchH2
1997 - VA3 Ulme v.d. Maaigrobert SchH2
1996 - Young Dog SIEGER V Vitus v. Fiemereck SchH1
1996 - Vize Adult SIEGERIN Orlanda vom Fleischerheim
1996 - SIEGERIN VA1 Elsa v.d. Zenteiche SchH2
1996 - SIEGER VA1 Nick v. Laacher-Haus SchH3
1996 - SIEGER VA1 Vimo vom Fiemereck SchH3
1995 - VA Kimbo v. Bisschofsheim SchH3
1995 - Vize SIEGERIN VA-2 Mandi v. Haus Hetok SchH3, FH
1995 - Adult SIEGER Xenno vom Fleischerheim SchH3
1994 - SIEGERIN VA1 Dasta v. Fiemereck SchH3
1994 - Adult Vize SIEGERIN Martina vom Fleischerhiem
1993 - Vize SIEGER VA2 Nanto v. Dan Athedy's Hoeve SchH3
1992 - Vize SIEGERIN Hildi v. Hunegrub SchH3
1992 - Vize SIEGER Vedor v. Fourniermuhlenbach SchH3
1991 - Vize SIEGER Quai v. Tronja SchH3
1987 - VA Vopo vom Kirschental SchH3
VA SG1 Youth Sieger Dolf vom Lierberg SchH3
2007- Universal SIEGER VA1 Bazi von der Urbecke SchH3
2006 - Bundesieger & WUSV Champion Caro vom Morfelder SchH3
2001 & 2002 - World SIEGER Grand Champion VA1 Yasko vom Farbenspiel SchH3
Continuing to bring to America the best German Shepherds available in the world.
The importance of our World Class German Breeding is the resultant superior health (including hips and elbows) temperament and trainability of our German Shepherds For Sale. Fleischerhiem German Shepherds make great reliable personal protection dogs, Schutzhund/IGP competition dogs and wonderful family security dogs.
Fleischerheim is the importer of the #1 German Shepherds in the World - 2x World Sieger Yasko vom Farbenspiel, World Siegerin Kora vom Bierstadter Hof, World Youth Sieger Rapi Supra, the 2006 German Bundessieger and WUSV World Sieger Caro vom Morfelder SchH3 and 2009 Universal Sieger Bazi von der Urbecke.
Our top producer in Fleischerheim's Stud Force for many years has been the #17 Young Male in the World SG17 BSZS 2013 Tim vom Fidelius IPO3, Kkl 1a. Tim is a direct decendant of Germany's elite double World Siegers Remo vom Fichtenschlag and Yasko vom Farbenspiel as well as Youth Sieger Hill vom Farbenspiel and VA3 Dux de Cuatro Flores.
The top producing Quenn son 2X VA1(CN) Furbo degli Achei SchH3, IPO2 produced VA Leo von der Zenteich IPO3 and great-grandfather of V40 BSZS Ivo vom St.Michaels-Berg IGP3 is the grandfather of our prominent World Class German Shepherd stud dog, V24 BSZS Jimmy vom St.Michaels-Berg IGP3.
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