VA Groovy di Casa Massarelli IPO3, Kkl 1a (2X World Sieger VA1 Vegas du Haut Mansard SchH3, Kkl 1a son; World Sieger VA1 Pakros d'Ulmental SchH3, Kkl 1a grandson)
Mother:VA Aci vom Leithawald IPO3, Kkl 1a (2X World Sieger VA1 Remo vom Fichtenschlag SchH3, Kkl 1a daughter)
Breed Survey (Korschein):
Large, very good type and expression, very good male head with dark eyes, very good top and bottom lines, high long withers, firm straight back, very good croup length and position, stands with toes slightly outurned, very good overall angulation, gaits true coming and going, very good expansive gait. Pronounced protection work.
Special Merits:
Very harmonious structured male
Breeding Advice:
Recommended for overall anatomy improvement.