Fleischerheim German Shepherd Purebred Puppies For Sale - GSD Breeder and Importer

Fleischerheim German Shepherds

America's Most Trusted & Experienced German Shepherd Breeder for over 60 Years

German Shepherd Stud Dog Breeding Requirements

We are providing this information in an effort to make sure that your bitch gets pregnant. We want you to have puppies almost as much as you want them. The key to a large healthy litter is breeding at the right time via serum progesterone testing (not the “target” tests).
Paperwork: Fax or send, PRIOR TO BREEDING:
· Copy of registration certificate & pedigree
· Copy of hip certification
· Copies of all lab tests required, provided by your veterinarian. 
First day of season (or as soon as possible)- Cervical culture and sensitivity ( including mycoplasma add on). This sample must be obtained using a guarded culture swab such as the Tieglan swab, and from the cervical area, not lower vaginal area. It takes 4 to 7 days to get final results. NO bitch will be bred naturally without a C & S, and results must be negative or she must be on appropriate antibiotics for 7 days prior to breeding. No bitch with highly resistant or pathogenic bacteria (like Pseudomonas) will be bred naturally (even if she is on the appropriate antibiotics for 7 days). She will be artificially inseminated surgically at her owner’s expense.  
Also get a Canine Brucellosis screening. Some screenings are positive due to cross reactivity and must have more extensive testing, usually from Cornell. THIS TAKES TIME. NO bitch will be bred without a negative Brucella.  
Progesterone timing is required for all bitches bred. It ensures that the bitch is having a normal heat cycle and has ovulated. A progesterone series tells us precisely when to inseminate her. We strongly recommend that you do the majority of the timing tests at your veterinarian, to ensure that you are shipping or driving in with a fertile bitch. However, we can arrange timing at Campbell Village Veterinary Clinic. An account can be set up for you and linked to your credit card for direct payment to the clinic.
Progesterone Timing Chart—Start testing about day 5 to 7 of season.
Below 1.0 ng/ml--no ovarian activity—test every 3 or 4 days
1.0 to 2.0 ng/ml—rise indicates active ovary—test in 2 to 3 days
2.0 to 4.9 ng/ml—active ovary-test every 24 hours until you determine
5.0 ng/ml Ovulation
5 to 6 ng/ml—breed in 2 to 3 days
6 to 11 ng/ml—breed in 1 to 2 days
11 to 19 ng/ml – breed today

Over 19—breed immediately if vaginal smear is OK and bitch is still receptive (is considered LATE-hope for the best) 
Progesterone timing in areas where results take days to return are not feasible. Results must be returned within 24 hours (except Sundays) to time the breeding. The Idexx Veterinary Reference Labs give excellent service using The Idexx Direct Courier Service via FedEx no matter where you are located. Results are faxed and can be accessed online. Have your vet call 1-800-551-0998 Ext 8327 for info. You can also use this service for the cultures.  Fresh-chilled semen is an option. The progesterone timing is critical for successful use of fresh chilled (or frozen) semen. Call for information.



Necesito una copia de todos, los resultados de los analisis del Laboratorie.Hay que hacer un cultivo y antibiograma de cervix. Los resultados tienen que ser negativos para lograr una buena reproduccion. Hay que hacer lo que se llama “tiempos de progesterona” y deberan realizar se varios tiempos. Envienme todos los resultados al fax 972-380-1083 ANTES DE PREPARAR SU VIAJE.
There are increased problems in Europe and the Americas with sterility, aborted and small litters as well as fading puppies due to Herpesvirus as well as Mycoplasma, Brucella, Chlamydia and some nasty resistant Staphs & Streps. The problem is affecting all breeds to the extent that Merial has a vaccine for Herpesvirus available in Europe only. After our experience with some of these “bugs”, we are making changes in the requirements for “outside” females, as well as our own males and females.
 AS SOON AS YOUR FEMALE COMES IN SEASON (AS SOON AS YOU SEE BLOOD), SEND BLOOD SERUM AND VAGINAL SWABS TO HEALTHGENE. This Canadian Diagnostic and Research Center has a test called CP16-Canine Lost Pregnancy Profile, which tests for the presence of these problems via PCR—looking for the actual DNA of the “bugs”. If present, the affected females will only be bred by Artificial Insemination-vaginal, transcervical or surgical.
A copy of the lab results from HealthGene showing 100% negative blood and vaginal swab tests is REQUIRED prior to a natural vaginal breeding. NO EXCEPTIONS. This does not apply to chilled semen transfers.  
Your veterinarian must submit the samples. Contact toll free 1-877-371-1551 or online at http://www.healthgene.com fax 416-658-2042 for information on submitting chilled samples via FedEx-must arrive next day. No import fees are due —mark FedEx label “Canine Samples for DNA testing”. Test results will be faxed to your vet within 3 days of arrival at the lab. All samples must arrive chilled—shipped with ice packs. Not frozen. Call for more information to Mary at Campbell Village Veterinary Clinic 972-931-9206.
NOTE: This testing is in addition to the cervical culture and Sensitivity done the 1st or 2nd day of your females season. This is for detection and treatment of other bacteria.

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